Busoga History: The AbaiseNgobi of Kigulu

Busoga History

The AbaiseNgobi are the clan from which the Kyabazinga(king) of Busoga will be picked.
They are the royals of the kingdom. There were many states which were under their leadership.
Today I discuss the pre-colonial history of the AbaiseNgobi of Kigulu chiefdom.
FYI, I happen to be a prince from there. 😉


David William Cohen, “The Historical Tradition of Busoga; Mukama and Kintu” ( London: Clarendon Press, 1972)

David William Cohen, “The Political Transformation of Northern Busoga:Cahiers d’Études Africaines, Vol. 22, Cahier 87/88, Systèmes étatiques africains (1982),pp. 465-488

David William Cohen, “Emergence and Crisis: The States of Northern Busoga in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries” , in D. DENOON, ed., History of Uganda, vol. II (Nairobi: East African Publishing House). 

Federick Peter Batala-Nayenga, “An Economic History of the Lacustrine States of Busoga, Uganda: 1750-1939” ( University of Michigan, 1976)

Renee Tantala, “The Consolidation of AbaiseNgobi Rule in Southern Kigulu” ( Madison: University of Wisconsin, B. A. thesis), IV-77 P. mimeo, 1973)

Y.K. Lubogo ESQ, “History of Busoga”(Kisubi,Uganda: Marianum Press Ltd, 2020)(Translated and reprint from original written in Luganda)

Background Music Sources

Omukazi Omugamba Lubala, Sound of Africa Series.

Obuwala Bwe Nawandende

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