The Bachwezi attract a lot of attention because of their grandiose claim of an empire.
Many theories abound of their supposed identity. Were they Banyoro? Were they Portuguese? Egyptian? Greeks? Or simply a figment of a society’s imagination.
The answer is of course much closer to home. Join me in this episode as I talk about the real history behind the Bachwezi.
Kitara map
Bachwezi Lineage Tree

Night Runners (Night Dancers)
Roc(Middle Eastern Mythical Bird)
Yolamu Ndoleriire Nsamba, “Mystique In Sovereigns’ Headgear “(Wandsbeck: Reach Publishers, 2016), p 52, 80-83,131, 146-147, 155, 163-167, 175
Christopher Wrigley, “Some Thoughts on the Bacwezi” The Uganda Journal, The Journal of the Uganda Society Vol 22 No. 1”( London: Headley Brothers Ltd, 1958) p 14
E.C. Lanning, “The Identity of the Bachwezi” The Uganda Journal, The Journal of Uganda Society Vol 22 No.2” ( London: Headley Brothers Ltd, 1958) p 188
Ruth Fischer, Twilight Tales of the Black Baganda( London: Marshall Brothers, 1938), p97, 103
Edith Sanders, “The Hamitic Hypothesis; It’s Origin and Functions in the Time Perspective” The Journal of African History, Vol. 10, No. 4 ( London: Cambridge University Press,1969), p 521
B.A Ogot, “The Great Lakes Region” General History of Africa volume 4: Africa from the 12th to the 16th Century (Berkley : University of California Press, 1984) p500,502
Shane Doyle, “From Kitara to the Lost Counties: Genealogy, Land and Legitimacy in the Kingdom of Bunyoro,Western Uganda” Social Identities Vol. 12, No. 4 (London: Routledge Taylor & Francis, 2006) p 459
Music Transition Sources
Gregorian Chant Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Infados Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
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